there’s nothing we cannot accomplish.
Personalized Advising
Most of the entrepreneurs I serve run extremely nimble, creative businesses. I help people start new businesses, write business and marketing plans, access financing, create business websites, grow their customer bases, and thrive in the local economy.
- 2,045+ hours of business counseling
- 600+ clients served
- $321,000+ invested
- 30+ successful workshops
“Joe was very informative and went above and beyond regarding the questions I had.”
“Joe provided helpful advice and followed up.”
Get In touch
Classes & Trainings
Website Workday and Building a Business Website are both offered in-person, quarterly, and at no-cost to participants through partnerships with the NY SBDC Network, New York Public Library, and Brooklyn Public Library. Click here to view & register for upcoming free workshops.
In the past, I’ve also provided professional development opportunities to advisors and consultants who work with small business owners. If you’re interested in training your team to better serve e-commerce businesses, please reach out.